Sakkelin tappi Ø 4 mm
Maksimi työkuorma 367 kg
9 €
Ota yhteyttä, jos tarvitset apua tuotteen valinnassa joko info@sailtech.fi tai soita 09 6824950 (ma-pe klo 8.30-16.30). Autamme mielellämme!H2131
Forged stainless steel shackles are polished to a high luster and are stamped with the screw pin diameter.
Bow shackles are best for multidirectional loads. Shallow bow shackles are proportionally wider for their length than regular bow shackles.
Shackle pin Ø 4 mm
Weight 8.5 g
Height 16 mm
Maximum working load 367 kg
Breaking load 735 kg