Gottifredi Maffioli

”The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” |
The existence of Gottifredi Maffioli represents a history of challenges and new ideas. Thanks to the constant innovationand to the many challenges won, Gottifredi Maffioli has become a reference point for various markets through the years.
The company was founded more than 80 years ago, in 1926 by a young woman, Maria Gottifredi: a company created by a woman was just the first of many more pioneeristic events which characterise all Gottifredi Maffioli’s history. After a few years, Ettore Luigi Maffioli joined his wife Maria Gottifredi in the management of the company: from that moment on the company became Gottifredi Maffioli. The firm, born as a supplier of components (small ropes and tapes in natural fibres) for the textile industry, is now a reference point also for the sailing market.
The curiosity of developing new solutions gave Gottifredi Maffioli the chance to start working, immediately after the Second World War with Nylon, a very innovative material for that period. Thanks to the strong cooperation with Rhodiatoce, leader during those years for the production of Polyamide, Gottifredi Maffioli had the chance to approach new markets, for example in that period the company produced, first in the world, a fishing net made with Nylon.
This revolutionary synthetic fibre played a very important role in Gottifredi Maffioli’s history: in 1954 the company developed the first climbing rope made of Nylon. These innovative lines were used by the Italian expedition that conquered the K2. Since then, the massive outline of the K2 appears in the Gottifredi Maffioli logo to celebrate the success of that memorable expedition.
The never-ending curiosity and the skill of turning new material into innovative products are the key factors of Gottifredi Maffioli’s world. Another step into the innovation came at the beginning of the 1980′. Thanks to the first pioneeristic tests with Kevlar, the innovative fibre of DuPont, Gottifredi Maffioli was selected as supplier for the running rigging for Azzurra, the first Italian team challenging for the America’s Cup. This was the first step into the sailing world, now the reference market of the Italian company, and the beginning of a still continuing adventure. Nowadays Gottifredi Maffioli, a market leader in sailing competition, has become a reference point for high technology ropes. Moro di Venezia, Luna Rossa, Alinghi, BMW Oracle to name only a few are among the successes of the Italian company in the sailing world.
The passion for research and the strong focus towards innovation joined with the close partnership with both customers and suppliers make Gottifredi Maffioli the ideal partner to develop new and innovative products. Kevlar, Dyneema, PBO are among the innovative fibres that Gottifredi Maffioli has introduced into the racing sailing market.
The headquarters in Novara has become the ideal place to turn research in fibres into innovative application. Here the suppliers of revolutionary materials as DuPont, DSM, Toyobo and many more meet the most important racing sailing teams. It is here that originate the sport successes.Gottifredi Maffioli has become a laboratory of applied research who gives the chance to turn innovation in materials into performance, a real meeting point for innovators.