Rutgerson rullalatta on tehty rullautuville keulapurjeille. Tästä Rutgersonin innovaatiosta on useita eri leveyksiä ja pituuksia.. Latat on tehty kahdesta koverasta rst. levystä, jotka ovat suojasukan sisällä. Ruostumaton teräs on optimaalinen materiaali tähän tarkoitukseen, mutta kuten kaikilla materiaaleilla, sillä on rajoitteensa. Materiaali sallii latan taipumisen rullalle, mutta jos rullan säde on pienempi kuin 50 mm, latta ei palaudu suoraksi.
Leveys: 70 mm
Pituus: 1400 mm
Paino: 360 g
Suositeltu veneen koko: >37 ft
Rutgerson Roller Battens are established and wide spread as a solution to furling sails world-wide.
The product was originally an innovation from Rutgerson and there is today an extensive range of sizes. The roller batten rolls up smoothly on the furling system and allows the boat owner to us e a roller furl cover. It can also be used in furling mainsails. There are two versions, standard and reinforced.
The reinforced battens will be indicated with an ”R”. The core consists of two curved battens made of Swedish stainless steel and the reinforced version has four curved battens for a stronger and stiffer result. Stainless steel is the optimal material for this purpose but like all materials, it has a limit. The material allows the batten to bend but if the product is used incorrectly and the batten is bent to a radius smaller than of approximately 50mm, the product cannot recover and it will be permanently bent.
Make sure not to bend the batten to a radius smaller than 50mm.
Width: 70 mm
Length: 1400 mm
Weight: 360 g
Recommended boat size: >37 ft