Maksimi purjealue – yksirunkoinen (m²) 56 m²
Maksimi purjealue – monirunkoinen (m²) 46 m²
Maksimi työkuorma 159 kg
169,02 €
Ota yhteyttä, jos tarvitset apua tuotteen valinnassa joko info@sailtech.fi tai soita 09 6824950 (ma-pe klo 8.30-16.30). Autamme mielellämme!H3803
Maksimi purjealue – yksirunkoinen (m²) 56 m²
Maksimi purjealue – monirunkoinen (m²) 46 m²
Maksimi työkuorma 159 kg
Maksimi työkuorma 159 kg
A 44 mm
B 27 mm
C 54 mm
D 130 mm
E 5 mm
A Harken® Battcar system along with full-length battens helps raise, douse, and reef with ease and acts as extra crew if you’re sailing shorthanded. Battcar systems outperform in-mast or in-boom furling, cost less, and you don’t need to recut your sail. Slider Battcars offer a lightweight, cost effective way to raise, reef, and douse mainsails. Hardcoat-anodized aluminum cars slide on low-friction plastic inserts. The compact car size translates into reduced weight and stack height.
Length 44 mm
Width 35 mm
Weight 181 g
Maximum batten width 41 mm
Maximum batten Ø 16 mm
Maximum sail area – monohull 56 m²
Maximum sail area – multihull 46 m²
Maximum working load 159 kg
A 44 mm
B 27 mm
C 54 mm
D 130 mm
E 5 mm